Vincent Zoccali

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Zoccali, Vincent Greece: Saturday October 5, 2013 at age 84. Predeceased by his sister, Antoinette Lodato. Sur¬vived by his brother and sister-in-law, Guy and Mary Zoccali; his nephews and niece, Robert (Susan) Lodato, A. Joseph Zoccali, Tina (Matt) Zoccali-Smith, Nicholas (Carmin) Zoccali and Christo¬pher Zoccali; several great-nieces and nephews and great-great nieces and nephews. Friends may call Tuesday Oc¬tober 8, 2013, 4-7 at the Vay- Schleich & Meeson Funeral Home, 1075 Long Pond Road. His Funer¬al Service will be held Wednesday October 9th at 11 o’clock at Christ Our Light mausoleum at Holy Sep¬ulchre Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, friends wishing may make contri¬butions to the American Cancer Society, PO Box 22718, Oklahoma City, OK 73123-1718 in his memo¬ry. For more information or to sign Vincent’s on-line guestbook please visit: