Terrence J. Quigley

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Terrence "Terry" Quigley Hilton, NY(formerly of Syracuse NY) On the afternoon of September 25th, a month shy of his 81st birthday, Terry Quigley went home to be with the Lord. After a year of health struggles, he was blessed with a peaceful death where he joins his beloved parents, Thomas and Irene. He reunites with his long-departed brothers Thomas, James, Frank, and Charles, as well as his sister Ann (Quigley) Kelly and brother-in-law, George DeMore who most recently went before him. He is survived by his loving wife of 53 years, Kathy (Hovey) Quigley, his devoted daughters Kelly (James) Cary, Kate (Jermaine) Jones, Erin (Wes) Senechal, Trish (Josh Kreinheder) Quigley, and Colleen Quigley. Nephews in name but sons in his heart, he leaves behind Michael, Timothy, Joseph, John, Paul, and Marty Quigley. His loss will also be felt by his 10 grandchildren from whom he had much pride, and his sister Kathleen (Quigley) DeMore with whom he was so close as well as many nieces, nephews & cousins; loving family and dear friends. Terry’s visitation will be held Saturday, October 10th 11-1 PM at Vay-Schleich & Meeson 1075 Long Pond Road where his celebration of life will follow at 1:00 PM in the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Bishop Ludden Junior Senior High School Athletic Department (bishopludden.org) in his memory. For more information and to sign his online guestbook, visit www.meesonfamily.com Terry’s celebration of life can be found on our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1036012726812284
JulieVoss Erin Kelly
So sorry for your loss. Tim Borer & family
I’m so sorry to hear about Terry’s passing. He was a great guy and touched a lot of kids lives through his personality and coaching. I’ll always remember the 1985 NCAA basketball championship game, when Villanova beat Georgetown in an improbable win. He and I had a blast watching that upset, talking strategy and basketball. Best wishes to the Quigley’s and RIP Terry.
So very sorry for your loss. I didn’t have the privilege of knowing him but he looks and sounds like a very special and beloved person.
Steven Crandall!! Thanks so much for your kind words about my Dad! He always loved and respected you and enjoyed watching sports with you! We miss him so much, but we are blessed to know that he died peacefully and is not suffering anymore! So nice to hear from you and hope you are doing well?! Much ❤️ to you! Kate
May eternal light shine upon him and may the memories of his life sustain his family during this difficult time.
….played many rounds with Terry at the Camillus Country Club in the classic league. He will be teeing it up with members of the group…hit that big draw!
How about all the girls softball games we had at Shove Park so many years ago. Remember the year we wanted to combine our teams. The Quigley’s and the Sheedy girls? The League said no way! I think they would have had to bring in a AA team to beat us! All the Smokers Terry MC’d for our Holy Name Society. He made us a lot of money. Never asked for anything in reply. So sorry to hear about his passing from the Coughlin’s. He was a man of many talents and a great provider! My thoughts and prayers are with Terry and his family. RIP TERRY
Kate, We were so sorry to hear about your loss. Please know you’re in our thoughts and prayers. May God grant you peace and may the memories of your dad keep you heart warm with the love you shared. Love is eternal and will always be with you. Steven and Tina Hill
Thank you Steve for the kind words!
To Kathy and family, I was truly saddened when I heard Terry had passed. Terry was so interwoven in our family stories. We have so many fond memories of him many from our time at Bishop Ludden. When I think of those times a smile comes to my face. Terry was such a positive influence for on so many students, family and friends.
Dear coach, teacher , military, most of all husband and father. IN 1969 not only did you lead Bl to a undefeated season in bb but we’re honored as an of the year. You were my science teacher and my home room teacher. To say you where a gentleman a great person does not speak words about you. After I graduated I saw out in Syracuse several time and as always you remembered me. My heart goes to your family. I have the picture of your daughter at our Ludden game when she was 2or 3. God bless you coach. Richard Brownell Maj USAF Ret. Class of 1969.
Thank you Terry for your friendship, example and respect. Growing up next door to BL in the 1960s, as a grade schooler, i was able to be a ball boy and his bat boy….some of the best days of my life.
To Kathy, girls and families, It is a sad day to hear of Terry’s passing. It’s hard for me to ever think of Terry as old. He always seemed to be the eternal youth, full of energy and optimism. He was the first person I met at Ludden. I still see him standing outside the gym, red gym shorts, grey t-shirt, looking like one of the students. He had a tremendous influence on my life as teacher, coach, employer but most importantly as friend. He gave so much to so many, he was one of a kind. So many good times to remember. Rest in peace Terry. Dan Craver , BL ’69
RIP coach. Bill Myers
When I heard that Terry passed away, I almost immediately calculated that I knew him for 56 years. A good portion of my life. Like so many who remember him, he was my gym teacher and basketball coach at Ludden. The realization now that he was only 10-12 years older than me and my contemporaries partially explains the enthusiasm and energy he brought to being our teacher and coach. An excellent player himself, Terry loved to “get in the mix” and show us first hand how to climb the ropes to the ceiling of the Ludden gym or navigate the annual obstacle course set up in gym class. Tom Pfhol, an athletic gymnast annually set the timing record for completion….no one at Ludden could come close to his time…….except the gym teacher himself. Ludden teams were always tougher than we initially appeared. This almost certainly was the result of our coach personally showing us a better, more physical way to defend or rebound. I swore that there would come a day I would grow past my 5’7” 140-150 pound frame and “get even”….but that day never came. Being athletic and “tough” were attributes which quickly became apparent to those who he taught and coached. What took more time to learn related to how hardworking and generous Terry was. For many years starting in the early 1960’s, anything Ludden or the West End community needed was often at least partially accomplished through the generosity and energy of Terry. There wasn’t a fundraiser held back then that didn’t have Terry involved in some way. He was always the first to help and the last to leave. That dedication helped so many. When I was married in late 1976, Terry and Kathy attended. There was a party at my parents home after the reception. As I was preparing to leave with my new wife, Terry quietly gave me a folded $20 bill….”buy a nice bottle of wine” he said. Know today that $20 in 1976 was real money…..this was not the lovely wedding gift that Kathy no doubtably picked out, but something extra….just a quiet kindness I remember so many years later. That was Terry. May he Rest In Peace. Richard Mulherin BL ‘69
I’m so sorry to hear this news. My sincere condolences to your entire family. I played basketball for Coach Quigley at Morrisville in 1988/89. When I made my college visit to Morrisville and saw the town and college, I was honestly thinking that there was a zero percent chance that I would actually apply to the school. Then I met Coach Quigley. After that, I didn’t visit any other schools. I knew that I wanted to go there and play for him. I’ll share one story that you might not have heard before. When I was playing for him as a freshman, we traveled to another college for an away game. The game was incredibly contentious and the referees had to break up several altercations on the court. At the end of the game there was a lot of tension in the air. We went back to our locker room to change and shower. After a short time, one of our statisticians came running into the locker room saying "COACH IS IN A FIGHT! COACH IS IN A FIGHT!". The makeup of our team, when you include the team manager and statisticians, etc, was predominantly black kids from the NYC area. The second everyone heard that coach was in a fight, the locker room emptied. Players were running back out to the court wearing nothing but underwear in some cases. What we saw when we got to court was chaos. Fans were throwing garbage on us, players were in very serious fist fights (one player from the other team had 5 or 6 teeth knocked out), metal chairs were flying. I fought through the crowd and found Coach. He was red faced bleeding from his cheek. I grabbed him and guided him back to the locker room. Our entire team had to retreat there and lock the door until the police came to escort us to our bus. On our way out of the campus, fans were throwing rocks at the bus. It was a scary situation. On the ride home, all of the players were relaying their various "fight" stories. After a short while Coach walked back from the front seat to the back of the bus and everyone fell silent. We thought he was going to yell at us or scold us for what happened, but instead he sat down and started telling his fight story! He went up to the other coach after the game to discuss the rough play on the court. The discussion didn’t go well and the other coach spat in his face. I don’t remember the exact words that Coach used when he told us his reaction to being spit on, but it was along the lines of "he spat in my face, so I had to whip his a**". When he said that, the bus exploded with laughter and cheering like you’ve never heard. The whole bus started shouting "COACH COACH COACH COACH!!!!". His players loved him and literally were ready to take on an entire team and their fans to protect him. The one year that I played basketball for him was my favorite – and I cracked my kneecap that year (after which, he let me recover at his house, of course). Rest in peace Coach
So very sorry to hear the news of Coach Q. All of our thoughts and prayers to the Quigley family. The Ulrich family ❤️
Thank you Dan for your kind words!!
Thank you! ❤️
Oh My Gosh Mike I do remember that whole story and my Dads “version” as well! Thank you for this! Kelly
Sorry to hear of the passing of Terry. He was our first basketball coach at Bishop Ludden when the school opened in 1967. He developed many fine players who turned out to be fine citizens. Thoughts and prayers to the Quigley family.
Kathy, girls and all of your family, I am so sad to hear coach had passed away He was quite a personality and always upbeat even in our practices which were always tough and fiery just like him. He started the basketball program and coached many good players which many of those players have turned out to be outstanding citizens in our community. Proud to be a member of the Ludden basketball fraternity and cherish many of the memories I have with my teammates and coach. RIP Terry Kevin Kenney BL71.
I am very sorry for your loss. I remember your Dad from when I was a teenager playing softball and from Holy Family Church. He was a kind and generous man back then and I’m sure that continued throughout his life as a husband, father, grandfather and friend. Rest in Peace Mr. Quigley.
coach terry was a saint! helped me get thru the hypocricy and chaos of ludden’s 1st administration, encouraged me in my pursuit of solitary sports, cross country, swimming, skiing….my strongest condolences to his family
Many memories at Syracuse Airport. Rest in peace
Many memories from Syracuse Airport with Terry,Kathy & Coleen. My prayers & thoughts are with the family
My thoughts and prayers are with Coach Quigley and his family. I have fond memories of playing for him at Bishop Ludden. John Feyerabend (Class of 1973)
Kathy and the girls – thinking of you all and remembering the good times that we shared during our days at Ludden.. I will keep you in my prayers Phyllis Didio
Kathy – words are so inadequate at a time like this. My sympathy to you and your family. Randa Greer (EAL)
I first met coach quigley in 1977 when i tried out for the westhill basketball team.i was just a 6 ft 6 180 lb stick that coach saw something in. That was my jr yr. In just 1 season i became a basketball player under his guidance. I was heart broken when he left for a similar post at bishop grimes. However because of the work ethic and desire he instilled in me i went on to make all county in 1979 and play at buffalo state. Many coaches wouldnt have spent the time on a tall skinny uncoordinated kid but coach quigley did. I only wish i could have seen him one more time to say thank you. Rest in peace mr quigley
I am so sorry for your loss ladies. Your family is in my families thoughts and prayers. If I can do anything please don’t hesitate to ask. With much love, Tom Wilbur
Kathy and Family, My prayers and condolences. Fond and lasting memories of Terry and you from the 70"s. May the Lord grant him a joyful reward inn the kingdom for his kindness and thoughtfulness to so many (like myself) Prayers and peace for you. Fr Jim O’Brien
Kathy and Family, I was informed by my brother of the passing of Coach Terry. I was fortunate to be coached by him in baseball . I was one of the lucky B.L. alumnus that watched him guide the Men’s basketball team to a State Championship at the War Memorial in 1969. His charismatic presence was attributed to his kind smile, high energy and a positive optimistic outlook to life’s challenges. God will have a special place for him as a devout Christian, whom inspired many of us along our career pathway . I feel blessed to have crossed his pathway and be able to reminisce about those beautiful B.L . memories he provided us over a number of years. God bless you and your extended family. RIP Coach. Dr. David Brown, B.L. -70- Pasadena,CA
Thank you Father Jim…..I do need prayers most of all right now
Thank You so much for your kind words..I didn’t realize what a huge influence he had on so my peoples lives..Knew him best as a husband and father and friend. I appreciate all of the kind words from everyone..He would be happy to hear everyones praises.
Thank you, Tom
Kathy and Family As you know TQ and I go way way back. Started playing ball together in the fifties, roomed together three to four years in college till we both focused on our families. The most honorable person I ever met, and most generous with his time to helping others. When ever his name came up in conversation, every time it was how good he was to everyone. Amazing how many people knew him and how many he had a good influence on. Our prayers are with you today and always. Love and God’s blessing to you and your family. Peter & Karen Parrillo
Thank You both..all the great tributes about him are comforting. He just wanted to make it to 80 yrs. GOD gave him 11 more months
So sorry Kathy to hear of Terry’s passing. Prayers of comfort to you and family.
Rest In Peace Coach
Thank You Linda..He had a peaceful death
Kathy, I was sorry to hear about Terry’s passing. Our prayers go out to you and your family. I was on the basketball team at Bishop Ludden the first year that Terry coached there. We didn’t win a lot of games but had fun. I also worked part time for Terry with his cleaning business while I was in college. He helped me out when I was a starving student. I am glad that I had a chance to revisit with you and Terry at our Bishop Ludden 50th reunion a few years ago. Love. Ron Puchir
We are so sorry for your loss and pray for peace and comfort during this time. Love, PC & Jill the entire Community Church family.
Sympathy to the Quigley family from Julie (Traeger) Julian in Richmond, Virginia; Bishop Grimes class of 1983.
Dear Quigly and Hovey Families Very sorry to hear of Terry’s passing . It was great seeing he and Kathy at our 50th reunion , and I as I think about him surely his care and enthusiasm for life , his love of family , and such dedication to coaching and watching over his players was a great life lived . He will be remembered being part of the hearts of many and succeeding well .
Our deepest sympathy and love go out to you Kathy, and to your family. Terry was a remarkable man who touched so many lives and will be greatly missed by all who knew him. He was a close friend not only to our parents, Mary and Jim, but to us as well. In addition to being a friend to us, he was a great role model and mentor. We will always cherish our memories of time spent with him and with you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Jim Dixon and Darlene Dixon Kerr
So sorry to Hear about Terry ! My dad Ray Blattner thought he was the greatest! Friends with my cousin Sharon Blattner! I was at Ludden when he coached and taught there! We always used to chat about those days ! Everyone at Ludden loved him!
I am sorry to hear of Mr. Quigley’s passing so long after the fact. I have so many wonderful memories of days & nights at the Quigleys’ home. Too many to write. Kate & all the Quigleys were like family to the Mahers. Your loss is surely heaven’s gain. Those Irish eyes are no doubt shining brightly in paradise.