Robert E. Gardner

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Greece; Wednesday, August 15, 2007. He survived by his wife Carol; children, Eileen (Patrick) Webber and Daniel Gardner; grandsons, Eric, Todd and Rob; sister, Eleane Christian; several nieces, nephews and many special friends. Bob was an Army veteran of the Korean War, Gleason Works retiree, sang with the Greece Choral Society and he was known as the Tootsie Roll Ambassador who gave out tootsie rolls to make people smile. Friends are invited to attend Bob’s Memorial Service Monday at 2 pm at the Lake Ave. Baptist Church, 70 Ambrose St. Private interment Riverside Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, those wishing may make contributions to Mercy Flight or to Greece Performing Arts Society in Bob’s memory.
Aunt Carol and family, you have my deepest sympathy. I’m glad I had a chance to talk to Uncle Bob recently. He was a sweet man. Ever since I was a kid, I always looked forward to situations where I knew Bob would be there. He always seemed to make things brighter and more fun just by his presence. I’m just one of many who will always remember Bob in such a positive way.
Aunt Carol and family. My very deepest thoughts and prayers are with all of you. I always loved being around Uncle Bob when I was over during the holidays – he was such a ‘class clown’ and could make you smile even if you didn’t want to. I will always think fondly of Uncle Bob (and his Graham Cracker Roll!). My love to all of you – Linda (and Bryan and Brianna too).
Bob brought happiness and smiles to me each week at Choral Society. He made each person feel special. What a glorious gift that he was obviously able to love life with such intensity. A love for life such as he possessed is truly a gift from God. He mentioned how he spent an overnight with his daughter every year and how special that time was for them. Cherish those memories- He will always be remembered by those of us fortunate enough to have known him. Thanks for the laughs and memories!
Bob will be missed by everyone in GCS–rehearsals will never be the same!
Carol – – My deepest sympthy to you and your family. I was sorry to hear about Bob; he always brought a smile to my face. I will never forget all the fun my parents had in the ‘gang’ and of couse ‘Lusty Life’! I know my dad was there to greet him as he crossed over, and I am sure they are laughing together now. Love to you, Maureen
I am so sorry to hear about Mr. Tootsie Roll. We will miss him at the pharmacy. He always brightened our day. And we were always happy to see him coming. He just always made you smile. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Mrs. Gardner. Loving thoughts Lori Manning
I am sorry that we cannot attend the service of rememberance for Bob. We are out of town this day. Our prayers are for you, Eleane and Danny. I have so many wonderful memories of Bob that I shall always hold dear. Bob Busse
I will remember him for his smile and laughter, his energetic view of life, love of his family and I will smile whenever I see a tootsie roll. Hope Lutheran’s 8:30 am greeter, always a firm handshake and a welcoming smile.
My sincere sympathy to your family. Bob was such a fun part of Greece Choral Society and I’m so fortunate to have known him. Whether it was a smile, a kind word or a tootsie roll, he always had something to share!!!
Not only was Bob an enthusiastic singer and cheerful Tootsie Roll dispenser, he was also a kind, compassionate soul, willing to listen and offer solace. Monday nights will have a little less sparkle without Bob’s smile. Hugs, Karen Pearson
To Carol and Eileen, We were so sorry to hear of Bob’s passing. He was such a special guy, a friend to all and the most popular Choral Society member EVER. We really enjoyed our visit with him last week. We will miss him very much. Bob and Sandy
To Carol and family, Our deepest sympathy to all of you. Simply put Bob could always put a smile on your face. Even Britt and Chelsea remember him for the Tootsie Rolls! Some people just leave a mark on your heart…Bob was that someone to all of us.