Desiree A. Finley

Let the family know you care by sharing this tribute
Greece: Saturday, May 7, 2022 at age 65. Predeceased by her parents, Robert and Elfriede Rinck and brother, Charles Rinck. Survived by her loving husband of 44 years, George “Greg” Finley; her siblings, Joseph (Debra) Rinck, Michael (Valerie) Rinck, Bobby (Diana) Rinck, Maria (Gerald) Waller; many dear friends. Desiree was a homemaker, chef, woodworker, designer, painter, author, artist, jewelry maker and designer.
Friends may call Tuesday (May 17th) 4-7 PM AT VAY-SCHLEICH AND MEESON, 1075 Long Pond Road.
Greg & Family, I’m so sorry for your loss of Desi. May her beautiful memory live on through the lovely jewelry and crafts that she shared with so many of us throughout the years. Thinking of you all during this difficult time. -Katie Potter & Family
Hello Desiree, My Love, My Friend, My Partner and My Soul Mate. From the moment I met you I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I didn’t know much about you then, but over the last 46 years I have learned so, so very much about you and from you. You are a women and a person who’s word is golden, unwavered and trusted. Your thoughtfulness and compassion for others far exceeds your own wants, desires and suffering. Your independence and strong will are far beyond most human beings. You go to the end to make your point, to give someone else something they want, to make things for others, to comfort them when in need even if you yourself are angry or hurting inside. You are logical, educated, knowledgeable, instinctive, creative, a designer and a hard worker. You will teach yourself how to do something you want to do. You accomplished so very much in your lifetime. Loving wife, home maker, chef, friend to all, artist, jewelry maker and crafter. Woodworker, painter, landscaper, writer and illustrator of children’s books and manuscripts. There is nothing that you would not try to do. You were chosen by two sets of parents, to be the God Mother of four children. They chose you because they knew if something happened to them, that they could count on you to raise and nurture their children to adulthood. You spent much time taking care of these children. Teaching them good vs bad, how to do things, how to have fun and laugh. How to carry on traditions and to celebrate and respect others. You taught me how to be a better person and not to assume something about someone until I knew them. I might not know what they are going through or if something in their life is terrible. You taught me about sharing and giving. About not being self absorbed, because everything is not about me. About figuring out for myself what my opinion is about something and not take for granted what others say. There is so much more I could talk about but I think I mentioned some important items so I’ll get to the point. We spent many minutes, many hours, many days, many weeks, many months and many years together. I always said we do everything together, but until I lost you I didn’t realize how much we depended on each other, supported each other, backed each other up, spoke to each other, worked together and laughed together. Or how lovely it is to hear your voice, see your smiling face, to greet each other when we come home. Or to just kick back and relax together with a cocktail or two. These are the moments we should have spent more time doing together instead of all of the hard work. I appreciate and respect you sweetheart. I miss you dearly and can’t wait for us to be together again. I know GOD has taken you to be by his side because of the great and compassionate human being you are. He needs your help because of how bad things are in the world. My hope is that you are pain free and extremely happy. Please say hi to all of our loved ones and friends that we have already lost. Until we meet again, HUGS AND KISSES. ABBAGADA. LOVE ALWAYS, GREG. Thank you for the hidden hearts with love, meanings and memories!
My dear friend Desi, you will be missed more than I can say. The second we met I knew we would be great friends. You were such a warm and loving person and you and Greg became our family. We shared the best and the worst of each other s lives and it was such a comfort to me to know you were right next door. When you were diagnosed you were so brave through all of it and you never made anyone feel uncomfortable around you. You were the best friend anyone could ever ask for and you will be sadly missed, and always thought of with much love.
This is so sincere and precious Gregg. May God wrap you tight and have you feeling held in this very hard time. ❤️Cousin Kelli ❤️Finley
Desi, You are such a sweet soul. You and Gregg have always been absolutely perfect for one another. Please know God along with the Finleys will take good care of your precious Gregg until we all meet again. Love you and Gregg so very much ❤️ Kelli
Dear Greg, Desi was a beautiful person. Strong, loving, funny, GENUINE. Take comfort in the dignity and grace she had as she always had a smile on her face during this difficult trial, atleast she played it off because it was never about her in her mind it was always about someone else. She was always asking about my family, my grandma, my friends who were going through trials. We wish that garage would open and we would see her sitting proudly and happy with that smile. Some leave a mark some last forever and she will. We love you both. Love your kids across the street Matt, Keremi, Rocco and Dominic.
Uncle Greg, Thank you for sharing what a truly wonderful person Aunt Desi was. My hope is that these warm memories of her lift you up when you’re feeling low. Sending big HUGS. We love and miss you both. Love, Juan, Julie & Mila
Uncle Greg, Thank you for sharing what a truly wonderful person Aunt Desi was. My hope is that these warm memories of her lift you up when you’re feeling low. Sending big HUGS. We love and miss you both. Love, Juan, Julie & Mila
So sorry for your loss, Greg My heart aches for you. Prayers going up for Peace and Comfort. Much Love, Sharon Kemp
In loving memory of a wonderful person. We will love you and miss you always. I always looked forward to garage sales ever Friday with you and Debbie. Miss you R.I.P. Carol Arena
Dear Greg,
I AM SO SO VERY SORRY TO HEAR ABOUT DESI. I had no idea she was sick. I just found out she passed. I feel horrible that I hadn’t talked to her in a while. I do wonder if she was sick the last time I saw her.
She was such a wonderful person and the 2 of you were a perfect couple and such great friends. Everyday since I found out about her I have felt so bad for you. I’m really sorry you & the world had to lose such a wonderful wonderful woman. God has her now and I’m sure she is such a wonderful help to him.
Greg PLEASE if you ever ever need ANYTHING.. please get ahold of me . 3970589.
❤️ Love Deb Blankfield Paola