Chester E. Czarniak Butch’ ‘Chet’

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Greece: April 7, 2010 at age 73. Predeceased by his parents, Casimer (Anna) Czarniak; sister, Irene Koen. He is survived by his loving and devoted wife of over 45 years, Mary Anne (Szeles) Czarniak; children, Julie Ann (Ralph) Presciutti, Christine (Christopher) Smith, Gregory (Dana) Czarniak & Thomas (Allison) Czarniak; grandchildren, Justin Presciutti, Adam Smith & Leah Smith; sister-in-law, Linda Loete; nephews, Patrick Koen, Michael (Jessica) Loete; niece, Tracy (Adam) Cook; very special cousin, Marion Lanski; several very special nieces, nephews, cousins, neighbors and friends; beloved pets, Niko & Gizmo. Chet was a devoted husband, father and grandfather. He was an avid fisherman, hunter and enjoyed telling nonstop jokes. Chet is a Veteran of the United States Army, was a member of the American Legion Post 468 and a member of the Polish Falcons. Friends may call Friday, 4-8 P.M. at Vay-Schleich & Meeson Funeral Home, Greece Chapel, 1075 Long Pond Road. His Funeral Mass will be celebrated Saturday, 9 A.M. at St. Stanislaus Church, 1124 Hudson Avenue. Entombment in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society, 1400 Winton Road, Rochester NY 14609 or to EquiCenter, Inc., 3409 Rush Mendon Road, Honeyoye Falls, NY 14472
Chet my sweet friend who always made me laugh I will miss you and your smile and all your funny jokes you told me. Heaven is very lucky to have you. To Maryanne and kids you all gave your father wonderful care and love, he will miss you all. You are all blessed to have to him as your Father and husband. May God bless all of you today and always. Thinking of you, Love Maryann and Family.
Chet was a loving family man & great friend. He could always be counted-on for a joke/smile. He was my cousin/friend and traveling companion. We had such a great time visiting in Salem, MA and going to the Polish Legion of American Veterans Post 55 (I will never forget this trip). Chet will be greatly missed by us all. Love you and your entire family. Love and Regards, Dan
Dad, Even in your last days you showed us all a strength of mind, body, and spirit that anyone who knows you would be so lucky to have even half of. You kicked cancer’s backside for over a year but cancer doesn’t play fair and it cheated. But it did not cheat us out of the most amazing memories and most amazing father. From riding shotgun in the truck making our rounds to Aunt Anna’s and Grandmas, to hitting up OCB when mom worked late, from making me appreciate Willie, Waylon, Kris, and Cash…from our ‘book club’ to our tormenting mom at the kitchen table….these and all the other memories play through my mind through tears and smiles and laughs. And the chow. Oh, and the chow. You have left a void that maybe love and time and family will heal so we’ll take it day by day. You’ve left your family but you’ve left your legacy and we’re picking up where you left off. I think we’re going to make you proud, Dad. You can bet on it. And if someone doesn’t get it? I’ll stick a post-it note on my forehead and say, ‘Read this…’, well, you know the rest. Until we meet again, ‘Mac’, keep that buffet hot and the Cash playing up there and we’ll take care of things down here. But Spam….two cans…really? Really? I love you, sir!
Dear Maryann and family, Today God spoke softly in Chester’s ear and said ‘ come home my son it is time.’We understand your pain and how you all feel because when God spoke to my dad andmy mom’s soulmate he also answered the call.There are know words that can easy your pain but, do know this as time goes on your heart will heal right now take your time and remember all the good time and let people do things for you and know that we will always be here for you when ever you need us Heidi and Maria Thorpe
Farewell Our Friend It was beautiful as long as it lasted–the journey of your life. We have no regrets,for we are left with wonderful memories . When we think of you, we picture that ‘Chester smile’ and the funny story awaiting to be told by you. We remember all the nights we sat at the kitchen table discussing the ways of the world,our parents, our children—yes and even each other.No matter how serious the conversation, Chet could always ‘ground us’ with his ‘take on life’ and most often through his humor, we came out the other side feeing alot better about everything. We smile and bid you goodbye to this earthly home,friend,but you will never be without a place to rest within our hearts as long as we live. So, Chester, shine up your dancing shoes, ask St. Casimer about some good polka music and get ready for me because you are no.1 on my dancing card!!!!!!! Farewell Good Friend–Pete and Betty
Good Morning Maryann and kids, its been one complete day and I already miss him. It has left Tony and I so empty inside that its hard to explain. The sadness creeps up on us at a minutes notice. When we think of my ‘Chetman’ we laugh and smile-then reality sets in within seconds. Its like a pain in the pit of our stomachs that will never be filled again. No one could ever replace this crazy and lovable man. Then I immediately think of all of you-and thats when the pain really hits..If I could just take away your loss I would. If I could give you at least one more year it would be yours. But we are given this incredible life and then the Lord takes us home when we have completed his mission. And Chet/Dad completed many missions in life-being a wonderful husband and provider and one hell of a good father and grandpa..A great neighbor and friend who had a passion for laughgter like no one else I ever have known. He was given a remarkable family that did every thing they could to make him comfortable and did it with grace and laughter just like he would’ve done.. Please, be proud, because the bond that you have is incredible and the love for each other is shown each and everyday.. Thank you for making us part of Chets life before and after his illness. Tony and my prayers are with you now and always. You have my love and my heart with you and remember, we are only 60 seconds away…Love to all..
I miss you so much Dad. I really do not know HOW to live without you. You have given us this beautiful life that we have and you have always been such a focal point for all of us. You and mom have made me who I am today and I know that along the way, things were not easy for our family but we stuck together and you taught us how to laugh and love hard. I am so grateful for this past year that you and I had together. I know we shared a lot of intimate talks during all of our many treks to the hospital and I will always remember the dignity and grace you showed even whe the news given to us was devastating. You never wanted us to worry. I will take that away with me and try to live the rest of my life in the way that you taught us. I am a better mom because of you. I watched you get called to heaven and I have no doubt that you chose to go when it was the right time for you. We all told you how much you meant to us and you were at peace. So grateful you did not suffer, that would have been unbearable for us. Please look down upon us and smile, we all love you and honor you and I cannot wait to see you again and throw my arms around you. Rest in peace my daddy, you deserve it. You worked so hard this past year to stay alive for us. Now it is our turn to work hard and continue to make you proud. Sleep tight and know that you are forever in my heart and soul. XOXOXOXOXO
Mary Ann and family, I don’t know what we can say or do to help you through this grieving process. They say time heals all, so that’s what you’re going to be needing – just time. Please know that Al, Divina, Michael, and myself all hold special memories of Chet. His constant jokes, as well as his strength and determination. I know Michael will miss Chet’s continual direction as to what he should be doing instead of what he does not do. I’m reminded of some special times spent with you and your family – camping at Stoneybrook, dinner at our house when he sent Julie home because she was not behaving the way he expected. as well as our Choral Society Concert at the Dome Arena, and the ‘incidents’ after the concert. One more thing I remember was when we first moved on the street, Chet came over and introduced himself. When we asked about nearby Catholic churches, he commented that he was happy we were church-going poeple. These will remain in my mind and heart forever. God Bless The Paul Family
Maryann, Julie and Family – I am so sorry for your loss. Our thought and prayers are with you thru this difficult time. Heaven has just received another ‘great’ angel. We love you
Maryanne, Im so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. God bless. Kelly from Dr. Bhatia’s office (Metro Footcare)
Memories of My Father…….. inlaw. We are to much alike! We hate evryone but we really love them! Our humor is twisted and sometimes we are the only ones that understand it. We are passionate about work and family! You took pride and found Joy in your work! Especially the jobs after ‘retirement’ Working as a bus aide with special needs kids! You made a difference in their lives every day! Working as an aide for Justin! Justin had his Papa Chet and the best aide at the same time. We Love hard! We love our family, friends, military and country! We love the fellowship we find at the legion! When I went to sign up at the legion it was with you. We stayed for a beer or a few. Al was at the end of the bar and we started talking with him. He was glad to have another ‘Italian’ and he was quick with some Polish jokes that day. Al became our friend. He and I are still the only Italians at a table full of Polocks. The table in the corner, the one that is to honor missing guests… That is yours now! The past few days these memories and a million others have been playing like a movie in my mind! So for everyone else…. If I have seemed a little distant or unfocused, now you know why. I am with my FRIEND and FATHER…..inlaw Chet! Until we meet again, Love ya Buddie! I’m gonna Miss you terrible…. 🙁
Tom, Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May the many, many wonderful memories fill your heart and mind and see you through this challenging time. God bless you.
We love you all very much and are very sad. Your father touched our lives with his quick with and wonderful sense of humor. It was always a joy to spend time with him. We are keeping you all in our prayers!
What an amazing man, so thankful to have known him! He has left a wonderful legacy through his children and grandchildren. Sending love and prayers to all of you!