Henry ‘Hank’ Cronin, Jr.



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Greece: Monday, April 28, 2008. Predeceased by mother-in-law, Pauline Campeau (Mimi). Survived by his loving wife of 40 years, Sandra Cronin; daughters, Christy (Edward) Brandon, Stacie (Charles) Haines; brother, Patrick Cronin & Russell Smith; sisters, Shirley (Carl) Hagstrom; Patricia Tortora; grandchildren, Stacie Addison (Ben), Timothy Schleyer, Kaitlyn Haines, Ryan Haines, Briana Brandon, Justin Haines; father-in-law, Charles Campeau; several nieces, nephews and cousins. Henry was employed with the Greece Central Transportation. He greatly enjoyed watching his grandchildren play sports. Friends may call Thursday 3-7 PM at the Vay-Schleich & Meeson Funeral Home 1075 Long Pond Road. His Memorial Service will be held Friday 10:00 AM in the Chapel of the Funeral Home. Interment, Private. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Humane Society at Lollypop Farm in his memory.


  1. Sandi on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    As I sit here thinking of the past 40 plus years of our life together, I realize there is no way to sum up what is in my heart today. I am tryig to think only of the many many happy times we have shared. Our daughters, wonderful grandchildren, each one so special in his or her own way, The wonderful frendships we have made , the experiences of traveling and moving across the country more than once….on and on and on. I thank God for blessing us in all of the above and I thank you for caring so deeply about me . You got your way and made THIS last trip before me! I know you are finally at rest now and that times have been so so hard for you these past few years. Until we meet again, I will keep you in my heart and say,( as you many times said to me . THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE FOR ME. Budder Bud is sure going to miss you, he seems so sad all ready. Gidget slept with me last night and didn’t even bite me !!! I know she had already found a place in your heart too… All my Love , BIG GUY

  2. CHRISTY on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am


  3. christy on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    dad until today when you came to me in my dream i did not except u were really gone…but today your message to me and mom told me for sure u are in a better place…that u are happy…i have comfort in that…thank-you for coming to me today and thank-you for telling me mom and i are on the right path that means the world to me ..you will live in our hearts forever…i now have peace and can let you go on and be happy where u are knowing we will someday be together..that in no way means i do not feel your loss every day dad as i will as long as i live thank- you for everything..now rest in peace and i will see u again i know this in my heart i love u dad!!!!!!!!! christy

  4. christy on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am


  5. Christy on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    Dad, I cant believe this is real…as much as I know you no longer suffer we all miss you so much!!!I love you so much! my comfort is in the fact that you are now in a better place…I know now you can be with us all at the same time,I feel your presence but really miss being able to pick up the phone and talk to you!!I will help mom with your best buddy..buddy your dog..he too misses you beyond belief…we will all stand together and get through this some how but know you are in all of our hearts…I will watch over mom, and my sister Stacie and my daughter Stacie I am the worlds worst with good byes so I will say until we are all together be happy and know my love is with you!!!your daughter…Christy P.S. THANK_YOU for being my dad in every way….

  6. stacie on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    Dad, How can I put into words how much you have touched my life. You have been the most wonderful father any daughter could ask for. I can’t imagine how life will go on. I will treasure each and every memory we have shared. I will never forget how proud you were on my wedding day. I was just as proud to have you on my arm. I feel angry that our time here was cut short, but I know you were tired and have been through so much.. I know you are in a better place and you are watching over us. I am grateful for the times we had, I know god has a plan. Please rest and enjoy your new home. I was sad that you will not be here to watch Justin play soccer for the first time, but I know you now have the best seat in the house. Do not worry about mom, we will make sure she is ok. I know you know how much I loved you, but I wish I had one more chance to tell you. I miss you so much already. You will be forever in my heart!! stacie

  7. stacie on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    Dad, Wow what a day. I sit here now that everything is over and wonder how do I go on? You know that you were my world. The bond between a father and daughter can never be broken. I do feel you around me, but wonder why I feel so empty. I want to here your voice. I know you are looking down on me with your heart breaking that I am so upset. I will try to be strong for you so that you will not be hurting. I know you are at peace and free from all of your earthly worries. I felt you today in the funeral home giving me the strength to read my prayers for you. I wanted to so bad, I knew I had to stay strong so that my words could be spoken for you. Thank you for giving me the strength. I am so sorry I did not get to say good by and tell you that I loved you one more time, but I do know that you know that. first soccer tournament in the morning, Ryan is playing for the first time this year. It will be so strange with out you there. I do know that you will be watching, but it will not be the same. I love you Dad! Good night

  8. Sandi on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    feeling very alone tonight and need to talk with you a bit….Six months since you have passed and I cannot get used to life without you. I believe you are aware of all that has happened since you left here and I know you would change things if you only could. I just want to say even though it breaks my heart ,you were so right in alot of the things you feared would happen. I miss you and and our daughter and grand children so so much! I never dreamed I could hurt so much, I only pray God will give me the strength to understand and endure this great loss. He has sure been with me so far and without him I don,t think I could have managed to go on. This past 6 months have been the hardest months of my life in every way. I know my life will never be the same without all of you but I an trying to stay strong because that is one of the last things you thanked me for on the Sunday….All my love ,Sandi

  9. Kaitlyn on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    Grandpa, Today its been three years since we lost you. It is so hard to believe. Not only did I graduate highschool but I finished my first year of college. Ryan is driving. Justin is wearing deyodorant. It really is just so crazy how fast time goes. I have been doing well away at school, I go to St. Bonaventure and im sure you would be so proud of me. I miss home though so I going to go to school at MCC next year and probably switch majors from education to follow in moms new career footsteps and do dental hygiene. I know no matter what I do you will still be looking down proud. Ill be sure to take your place again on the side line at both Ryan and Justins soccer games even though im sure you will be looking down. I miss you so much Grandpa you have no idea. Some nights I really feel like im talking to you I just wish I could hear you back. I still think about you everyday and still nothing here is the same without you. I love you Grandpa and cant wait til the day I see you again. Rest In Peace.

  10. Kaitlyn on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    Grandpa, thankgiving was really hard without you. I was really glad that our family was able to come together and enjoy it together though. It definately wasnt the same without you. Everyday is getting harder and harder for me, i just keep missinng you more and more. I think about you all the time. Last week i got inducted into national honnor society. I know how proud of me you would of been for me for that and was thinking aboiut you the whole time during it. Everyone is doing so well. TR got his GED, Ryan is getting highhonnor roll. We all know how proud you would of been and really wish you were here. I know your watching down on each and everyone of us. I love you so much grandpa and think about you everyday. I cant wait to be with you again one day. RIP love always, your granddaughter, kaitlyn

  11. Kaitlyn on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    Grandpa, I have been trying to hold of writing in this because i was still hoping this whole thing wasnt real. Its been just over 4 months since i lost you and havent went to sleep one night or woke up one morning without you on my mind. I have missed you so much at all my eclipse games this year. I could hear you in my head saying GO KAIT! But it reall just wasnt the same as seeing you there cheering me on. Our team did really good this year, and like i said in my poem i read at your funeral i dedicated the season to you. We won first place in U17, and played really well in goal. It was all for you Grandpa! My first season of varsity soccer is comming up in a few weeks and its not going to be the same without you there because i know how badly you wanted to see me play with the big girls! Ill do my best for you in this season as well. I will also keep up the good work in school to make you as proud as i can. It was great to hear all the compliments at the funeral on how much you talked about me and how proud of me you were. Im going to continue making you proud as i keep you in my heart. I have been sleeping with lamby again to remind me of you. It seems like just about everything i do does. Its not the same around here at all. On your birthday your candel was lit as i walked by wishing you were hear as tears rolled down my face. Nothings the same here. I hate it. I wish i could have you back and have everything go back to how it used to be. I know your in a better place now and will still watch me grow, and continue to make you proud. One day i will see you again. I love you so much Grandpa. You were more of a Gradfather that anyone could ask for. I wish i would of got the chance to tell you that and how much i love you. I miss you more then you know. Love, your grandaughter, Kaitlyn

  12. Kaitlyn on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    Grandpa. I cant believe its almost been 2 years. I still dont get through one day without thinking about you at some point. Its been a rough couple months, but thinking about you really helped hold me together. I wanted to write on this sooner to tell you some big news but havent gotten the chance. I have gotten accepted to every college i have applied to so far. I know that you would be so happy for me. Graduation is in a few months, something you have been talking to me about since i first started highschool. I know its not going to be the same at all without you there and i wish you were here to help me make my decision about college. I know that you will be looking down at me these next few months as I enter a new stage in my life and graduate highschool, and head off to college. I hope i am still making you proud, I really am doing my best. I miss you and love you so much Grandpa. RIP

  13. Stacie Addison on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    Grandpa: Your kind words of wisdom, stern words of advice, and your loving words of support. All the memories we share. I never had a chance to tell you how deeply greatfull I am to have had you in my life. How can I ever thank you for all that you have done for me and the insperation you have been in my life? I always knew you were there to guide me through all my huge life decisions I needed to make, offering advice. I knew you would lead me in the right direction. Oh how I will miss you on my future journies through marriage and children. I know you will always be with me in spirit, watching from above. Please know I will forever live my life to continue making you proud. You helped make me to person I have become. I only hope you go knowing how loved you were and how much you will truly be missed. Your memory will continue on and you will never be forgotten. I love you so much! Your oldest granddaughter, Stacie

  14. Colleen Ross on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    Hank and I were hired around the same time at Greece Central. We were in the same class for our 20-hour course, that was when i really got to know him. He was a nice guy who i’ll always remember as having a gregorious laugh. He will be missed. My condolences to his family.

  15. jim krist on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    Hank old friend I will miss you,we were teenage pals allmost inseperatble for a few years and drifted apart.I remember sitting on your front porch steps on stone rd. one afternoon counting how many people drove by picking their nose ,we laughed for a hour.we snuck a lota beers together before we were of age, doubled dated girls who were best friends.worked at frears greenhouse together,the old italian woman who worked there used to say Hennerico you nicea boy.we worked together at tobin packing and halls motor frt.I remember one nite boby buhr and I greased your unkle smittys and your door handles on your truck. smitty turned us in .I didnt see you for along time but we visited in sept.06 and I was looking forward to coming back this fall and seeing you again,its sad that its times like this that you realize how valuable old friendships are thats why I am going to move back home soon. I’ll miss you old pal.jim krist portland ,oregon

  16. willy antochi on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    Hank will be missed. He taught me alot.

  17. Chuck on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    Hank, I want to say happy birthday,we have your candle burning today.I wish you could be here with us on this day,I know your here somewhere looking over us.The kids think of you all the time.They sure will miss you this year on the school fields for soccer games.Your in our hearts forever, Chuck

  18. Chuck on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    Hank,as I sit here tonight with tears running down my face,there is an empty feeling in my heart.It makes me so sad when I see a bus go buy Im still looking for you to look up and wave to me.You were more than anyone could have imagine a father inlaw should be,You took me as your son from day one and thank you for that.When I lost my father 8 years ago you were there for me you comfort me and loved me,and filled his shoes, with lots of love for me and the kids.I lost my sister inlaw in november again you had a shoulder for me to cry on.What to do now Im not sure yet.It’s not ever gonna be the same at the kids games this year,I guess Ryan is takeing over the big guy thing his team mates call him that.well gotta go this is hard I just want you to know I really miss you alot your on my mind everyday.Hank I also want to thank you for trusting me with your daughter Stacie,I promise you I will not ever ever let you down I will take great care of her,and Sandi too.Thanks for the great 19 years I had to be with you I have lots of great memories.You are loved more than you ever knew.love Chuck

  19. Chris Schrader on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    Hankster was my driver in my Jr. Year of High School. I miss him and think of him daily, I didn’t find out about his passing until recently and for my own reasons like anyone else I hardly read the newspaper anymore. My heart is aching for you and your family… Remember Hank, until we meet again keep the blackjack table clear! Godspeed and I love you! ~Chris

  20. Sandi on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    Happy 65th Hon. I wish you were here more than you cold ever guess. Life is not the same without you. Tears just seem to keep coming back and the lonelyness is sometimes more than I want to bear. I think of our last Sunday together when you thanked me for being so strong! I sure don’t feel strong anymore ! I have lost all that kept me going, and my heart can’t bear all of this hurt.. Will see you soon ! Rest in peacetill then. I love you always!!

  21. stacie on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    Happy Birthday Dad, I wish so badly you were here to share it with you, but I know that you are sharing it with all of the special people that are with you now!. Life has been so strange with out you here, the kids miss you so much, too. I don’t think a day has gone by that we have not talked about you. Ryan has done so great on his new soccer team I know you are proud of him. I swear you have been there with him at every game. He has done so well this year! His coach calls him ‘big Guy’, He is keeping up your name!! Kaitlyn is sleeping with lamby again, she may not have shown you how much it meant for you to be there for her, but she really did love having you at her games, she has mentioned you so often after her games. I miss you more that words can say, and I wish we had more time to spend together, but i charish every moment that we had and will keep you forever with me in my heart!. I love you Dad!!! Stacie

  22. sandi cronin on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    Hi love today I sent Gidget to be with you. I know how you wanted to see how she would look with her full coat so there ya go she was beautiful.. I hated to see her go but I know you will love her like I do. Buddy will be with me for a while but when his time comes he will join the two of you. Soon it will be 4 years since you left me to deal with all this BS, I guess I am strong enough to do it like you told me. Christy and Ed have been with me through so many of the hard times, Stacie is here too. Chuckie is trying to keep it together but he has his own issues to deal with. but I know you know that!!! Love Always Sandi

  23. Sandi on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    I just need to say one last time Good morning, goodnight and goodbye. Tears keep falling and my heart is soooo empty. For you though, I am happy because I know you were ready and unafraid to go. The feeling of uselessness you were feeling because you could no longer do all the things you once did is over and your work here is complete. It was quite a send off from transportation HUH? We even got to ride home with you on your bus, I hope you saw it all.Everyone loved you Hon. We will miss you so. say hello to mom for me please. I love you. Untill we meet again… Sandi

  24. Janet L. Tooley on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    I was very surprised to hear about Hank’s passing. I not only worked with him at Federal Express but Greece Central also. He was a great man and Wish I could have known of this earlier. I recently lost a brother who was also at Meeson Funeral Home and thats how I learned of his passing My prayers and thoughts are with his family at this difficult time.

  25. Kathleen Reighn on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    I will miss Hank forever. He was a great man and alot of fun.

  26. Deb Rigby on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    I write this with great sadness, and with my deep condolences. Hank trained me at Greece Central. If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be where I am today. The patience, courage and strengths he had was unbelievable. He was an awesome trainer, and the knowledge he gave to me will be forever treasured. I looked up to him and I have the outmost respect for him. He was my mentor and he will be missed not just by me but from everyone at Greece. Every morning as I checked my folder he always picked on me, not one day did he miss. That I will miss the most. He talked about all of you with so much love you all were the highlight of his life. I will miss him. He was a remarkable man.

  27. Wayne Laird on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    I’m sorry to hear of the loss of an old classmate. Hank and I were together through grammar school and high school. He always had a smile on his face. Wayne

  28. Sandi on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    New Years Eve 2008.. I have never been alone on New Years Eve before and it sure is hard without you! I sit here thinking of all the great times we shared on past New Years Eves. we sure did do some celebrating over the years !!! It brings a smile though my tears to remember some of those times. Tonight me and our Poms are home alone and we will probably go to bed long before mid-nite.. God must have a reason for keeping me here and I hope I will be able to fullfill those reasons and be of some comfort to our girls and grandchildren…we all miss you so much

  29. sandi on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    One year ago tonight God called you home.I’ll never forget feeling you rub my arm that night ( as if saying goodbye) at the time I didn’t realize that was my last touch from you ,but now I cherish that touch. All the kids are feeling our loss of you tonight too. (ALL OF THEM) !! Time has passed so quickly since you have gone but in a way time has stood still too…I am leaving the bathroom light on tonight as I will each April 27th that I live, as a rememberance of the last request you ever made of me. Forever in my heart,love Sandi

  30. Sandy and Jim DeVolder on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    Sandy – We were so sorry to read about Hank. We always thought he was a great guy. I am even more sorry that we have lost touch. I would love to hear from you. We are still in the same place. Our thoughts are with you and your family. Love – Sandy and Jim

  31. Sandi on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    Thanksgiving night 08…. We were all together at Stacies for dinner today and she did a great job doing your dressing it was just as good as yours…I am so thankful we could all share this day together. You were with us in all of our hearts just as you are everyday. We all miss you but are trying to learn how to go on as a family. God is helping us to see things in a better light. For that I thank him too!! With love as always. Sandi

  32. Sandi on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    The last of the FIRSTS…The firsts without you. Easter Sunday 2009. I am reflecting on last year when you dressed up for pictures saying it may be your last Holiday here. Little did we know that it really would be our last family gathering. It has not gotten any easier as time passes and you are in my heart today and always. I pray for love and peace in family and the world now and always I miss you so much……………..

  33. Ronald J. Pawley on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    The people we love, live on in our hearts It takes a long time to get used to the loss of someone we love. But it is important to remember that when a loved one dies, they leave something very special behind. As Henry will be embraced by the light – all his loved ones will be embraced by his light. Many people will walk in and out of our lives, but it is a family’s love that will leave the deepest footprints in our hearts.

  34. Jenny Gendron on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    To Sandy and all of Hank’s family~ Please know that it is with great saddness that I write this to you today. I worked with Hank at Greece. I know how much he loved all of you, especially the grandchildren, (he told me about all of them!), and spoke of Sandy often. Hank was a very special person, and he took me under his wing at work at a time when I really needed help. In fact he insisted on being the one who worked with me, so I would learn ‘the RIGHT way’. Not knowing him that well at the time, I was a bit skeptical. But in a very short time, I learned of his patience and kindness. He put extra time, even some Saturdays into my training. His compassion and genuine goodness, was a bright spot in my day at work, each and every day. Thank you for sharing him, I am a better person for having known him. Although the days ahead will be a challenge for all of you, know that in time, the days will get a bit easier. Especially because Hank will be with you forever.

  35. Marilyn Rink on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    To the Family of Hankster, I just want to let you know what a kind and gentle man Hank was to everyone at work. He will be missed. My prayers and thoughts are with you at this time. May God bless.

  36. christy on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    well dad all the firsts are over and what a hard year it has been….i hope where you are you are at peace…things here are what u told me they would be but i never wanted to believe u could be right…i have decided you were right and my continued reaching out only to be hurt must come to an end….its the hardest thing i have had to do…but i cant take the hurt that is constantly dished my way for no reason…so taking your advise a little late but taking it none the less…never realized how much our own kids have the power to rip our hearts out…i so wish you were here to talk to…but hopefully where u are there is no more heartache and pain …watch over all of us .i love you! christy

  37. sandi on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

    wow four years since you passed.So much has happened in that time. Kids are all growing up and you’d be proud of each of them. I sure am.Stacienoel has earned her bachlors degree,Kaitlyn in second year of collge,Briana has started cheering for Holy Cross, Tr has become such a responsible man,works hard and is a very special guy. Ryan starts college next and will be playing soccer for FLCC,works 2 jobs and is doing well. Justin is no longer a skinny little kid he is growing up so fast ,he does well in school and is such a sensitive little man yet! The girls are both doing well and like me miss you so much! Buddy still acts like a puppy, and Imiss Gidget alot hope the two of you have re-united.I am trying to go on in life but that does not mean that I don’t miss you everysingle day! You will always have a special place in my heart and thoughts. I know you know that…. All my love BIG GUY……..

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